Ordeal Candidates
Congratulations on having been selected for membership in the Order of the Arrow, Scouting's National Honor Society. To become a member of our Order, you must participate in the Ordeal Ceremony. You will have multiple opportunities to participate in the Ordeal Ceremony. If you do not attend, your election will be void and you would need to be re-elected another year.
Bigfoot Lodge Ordeal Opportunities
Spring Conference May 17-19th, 2024 at Ed Bryant
Fall Conference August 16-18th, 2024 at Ed Bryant
Candidates can also complete their Ordeal Sunday-Monday at EBSR Summer Camp.
The cost of the Ordeal at Spring or Fall Conference is $65, covering meals, lodge flap, sash, and lodge dues. The cost of summer camp Ordeals is $55 if attending camp with unit and $65 if only attending the Ordeal Sunday-Monday.
Ordeal Information
The induction ceremony called the Ordeal, is the first step toward full membership in the Order. During the experience, candidates maintain silence, receive small amounts of food, work on camp improvement projects, and sleep apart from other campers. The entire experience is designed to teach significant values. All candidates for membership must complete the Ordeal.
In Bigfoot Lodge, the ordeal is from Friday night to Saturday night during our conferences. However, ordeal candidates must be present for the entire weekend, until the end of orientation on Sunday. All meals will be provided.
Candidates must arrive between 6:30-8:00 pm Friday and check in at Peter Rice before going further into camp. We recommend arriving closer to 6:30 to have time to set up a tent and gear for Saturday night. Candidates should eat a good meal before arriving at camp Friday night. Candidates are not required to wear their Class A to camp on Friday but do need it for Saturday evening and Sunday. On Friday night, candidates should have a sleeping bag, ground cloth/tarp, gloves, work or hiking boots, jacket, hat, flashlight, insect repellent, and rain gear in a backpack.
For Saturday evening, in addition to the Scout uniform, candidates will need a tent unless they are sharing with someone else. They are welcome to bring any camping gear they desire for Saturday evening. If desired, they can bring extra cash or cards to purchase OA items at the lodge trading post.
If picking up candidates on Sunday, please plan to arrive at camp between 9:00-10:00 am.
Packing List
Sleeping Bag
Work Gloves
Work/Old Clothes
Water Bottle
Rain Gear
Scout Uniform
Boots or sturdy shoes
Tent (to be used after the completion of the Ordeal on Saturday night)
Spare clothes
Insect repellent and sunscreen