Unit Elections
Every unit should hold an election, which must be completed by March 31st. This election should take place at a unit meeting or event. At least 50% of the registered unit must be present during the election. The PLC of your unit should decide when and where this election will take place.
If your unit already has at least one active member of Bigfoot Lodge, then members of the OA in your unit may conduct your election (resources available below). Preferably a youth member of the Order would conduct the election, but if necessary an adult member may conduct your unit election. If your unit does not have an active member of Bigfoot Lodge, the Lodge will provide an election team to travel and conduct your election.
To be eligible for election, scouts must:
Be under the age of 21 (including adults aged 18-20)
Be registered and active members of their unit and hold one of the following ranks - Scouts BSA First Class, Venturing Discovery, or the Sea Scout Ordinary rank or higher, and following approval by the Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor, or Sea Scout Skipper, be elected by the youth members of their unit.
Have at least 15 camping nights in the previous two years (only five nights from a long-term camp, such as Summer Camp, count for this requirement)
Be willing to complete the Ordeal during the year that they are elected
Adults may also be nominated by the unit committee to join the OA. The number of adults that can be nominated is equal to ⅓ of the number of youth elected, rounded up. The unit leader may also be nominated in addition to other adults, without counting toward the ⅓ of youth elected. Adults must meet the same camping requirement as youth members.
All present members of your unit under the age of 21 may vote in this election.
Request a Lodge Election Team
All units in Glacier's Edge Council should have an OA election each year if there are eligible candidates. If your unit does not have any eligible candidates, then an active OA member should give a brief presentation to the unit about the OA and its purpose. Please fill out the form here to schedule your unit's election.
Lodge Election/Presentation Visit Sign Up
Election Script (used if not using the video)
Election Video click on the link and click the save button for offline use
Conducting a Unit Election
Completing your unit election is an easy task to complete. We prefer that this is done by a youth Arrowman but it can be completed by an adult. You will need the items above to complete the election. Any scout First Class and above with 15 nights of camping in the last two years qualifies for election. Please talk to the qualified candidates first and if a scout does not plan on completing their ordeal then they should not be included in the election.
View and read the Election Presentation Slides to the unit. After reading the Ordeal Slide hand out slips of paper to all members of your unit under the age of 21 to vote for their unit’s qualified youth members. All scouts can vote but sometimes new scouts that just crossed over may choose not to vote. Scouts can elect as many as they want and it is important they understand this! Collect the votes and tally them up. A scout needs 50% of the vote to be elected. Announce immediately those elected then continue on to the Brotherhood and Vigil Slides.
Immediately after the election, the adult leader fills out the Unit Election Form and if needed the Adult Nomination Forms. Please use the fillable PDF above or print out the form to fill out by hand. Please ensure handwriting is neat and mail to Adam Valenta - 600 Westwind Court Mazomanie, WI 53560. You can also text the form by simply taking a photo of it and sending it to the contact number below. Forms can also be saved to your computer and then emailed to the contact below. Please include your current OA Unit Representative and their email so we can send updates to them to share with your unit! Thank you for your cooperation, this ensures that we receive all scouts who are elected and can invite them to an ordeal!
Vice Chief of Elections, Xander Coker
(608) 334-8992
Lodge Adviser, Adam Valenta
(608) 445-1040